Organizational Membership


Organizational membership is for coaching training providers, coaching providers, universities and psychometric tools provider:

  • Coaching Training Provider – Any coaching training provider, including schools, that offer external coaching training or coaching qualifications may join at this level.
  • Coaching Service Provider – Any coaching service provider that offer external coaching services, or related services may join at this level.
  • Academia – Universities that offer coaching training or coaching qualifications may join at this level.
  • Psychometric Tools Providers –  Organizations offering psychometric tools or services related to coaching

As an organizational member of the AC, you can offer your students one year of gifted Introductory Associate Membership to the AC as they study your coaching programmes and courses.

You can view the Exclusive Organizational Member Benefits here.

To maintain the highest professional and quality standards all members subscribe to The AC’s Global Code of Ethics for Associate, Member and Fellow and The AC’s Best Practice Guide applies to Leader Coaches.

Organizational Membership

Coaching and Training Organization

  • Coaching is the primary function of your business
  • Coaching is a service offered by your business to external clients
  • You are a training organisation involved with training for coaches
  • You provide services specifically related to coaches or coaching.


  • You offer coach training as part of your curriculum
  • Coaching is part of your curriculum of additional study
  • You have an internal coaching pool who require support and CPD opportunities
  • You have a growing interest in the coaching profession.

*If you are a Non-Profit you can qualify for 10% off membership by clicking on the button below to find out more, 

Please fill out the following information in order to become an Organizational member.

The information you provide will be utilized to understand your organization and how the AC can better serve your needs. For further information about our data privacy please see our Privacy Policy

    Organizational Package*

    Membership Band Number of Members Joining Pricing
    Organization Package* Band 1 1-5 USD$358
    Band 2 6-15 USD$691
    Band 3 16 to 50 USD$1571
    Band 4 51 to 100 USD$2828

    * Denotes compulsory fields

    1. Main Contact

    Organization Details Form (Not visible in profile)

    If you know the details of all the members you wish to add to your Organizational Package, please download and complete the Organization Details Form and upload when you join. Alternatively, you can join, and our Membership Department will send you the Organization Details Form to complete once you have registered.

    Administrative Contact Details (Not visible in profile)

    2. Company Information

    Locations Covered

    Profile Bio

    Services Provided

    3. Additional Information

    4. Learned Society Compliance

    Terms of Use