Corporate Membership


Corporate membership is for companies that are engaged with coaching to include Leader Coaches, Internal Coaches, HR and OD Practitioners who use internal or external coaching for executive and talent development, and for organizations that have an interest in coaching. This can include large multinationals, small and medium-sized businesses (SME’s) in all business sectors, and government organizations.

With Exclusive Corporate Membership Benefits and flexible bundled packages from up to 10-800 members. You can choose from a selection of Member, Leader Coach, and/or Associate Member. Non-Profit or charitable organizations will receive 10% off AC membership.

Corporate membership is for companies that have an interest in coaching:

  • Leader Coach – For C-level, executives, emerging leaders, and people managers who apply a coaching mindset or coach approach within their roles.
  • Internal Coach – for Internal Coach and OD Practitioners who are coaching internally in their roles
  • HR, People and Talent Sponsor – using or are considering introducing internal or external coaching for executive and talent development.

Corporate members can choose from a selection of Member, Leader Coach, and/or Associate Member, within the tiered corporate package.   

You can view the Exclusive Corporate Member Benefits here.

To maintain the highest professional and quality standards all members subscribe to The AC’s Global Code of Ethics for Associate, Member and Fellow and The AC’s Best Practice Guide applies to Leader Coaches.

* Based on meeting eligibility criteria.

*If you are a Non-Profit you can qualify for 10% off membership, please contact us by clicking on the button below.

If you know the details of all the members you wish to add to your Corporate Package, please download and complete the Corporate Details Form and send it to​ once you have registered.

Please fill out the following information to apply to become a member.

    Corporate Package

    Membership Band Number of Members joining Pricing
    Corporate Package Band 1 01-10 USD$691
    Band 2 11-50 USD$1571
    Band 3 51-100 USD$2828
    Band 4 101-200 USD$3771
    Band 5 201-300 USD$5657
    Band 6 301-400 USD$7542
    Band 7 401-500 USD$9428
    Band 8 501-600 USD$11313
    Band 9 601-700 USD$13199
    Band 10 701-800 USD$15084
    Member Types Description Eligibility Criteria
    Associate For any Individual with an interest in Coaching Anyone with a general interest in coaching may join at this level
    Member* For experienced Professional/Internal Coaches or Sponsors of Coaching (e.g. HR/OD/Talent) A minimum of 50 hours of training plus 25 hours of coaching delivery can join at this level

    * Denotes compulsory fields.

    1. Company Information

    Registered Address

    2. Billing Contact Information

    3. Main Contact

    Finance Contact Details

    4. Additional Information

    5. Learned Society Compliance

    6. Terms of Use